


哦,卖洋芋。哦,卖大米,卖豆皮,卖耗儿鱼,卖四季豆,卖洋芋,豆是土豆。哦,卖芋儿,每斤一块,要卖就来,不来,豆爬开,老子还要,打金花。Oh, they sell potatoes. Oh, rice, soybean skin, rat fish, kidney beans, potatoes, potatoes. Oh, sell taro, one piece per catty. If you want to sell it, you can come. If you don't, the beans will crawl away. Lao Tzu also wants to play golden flowers

”老板,洋芋啷个卖?””5块钱斤。””啥子也?5块?你啷个不切抢哦?””不岁歼错,老子正是抢!把钱拿出来!!””还敢抢老子!给你崽儿说!老娘跆拳道9段!”” Boss, how about selling potatoes? Five yuan a kilo." What? 5 pieces? You don't scramble for it?"" Yes, Lao Tzu is robbing! Take out the money!"" Dare to rob Lao Tzu! Say it to your baby! Lao Niang Taekwondo 9!

哦,好造孽,菜摊都洗白,龟儿婆娘,心肝嘿黑笑嫌,一定子,打得老子吐血,哦,我再卖,莴笋干干,还有豌豆颠颠,卖完,豆收摊,老子还要,进医院。Oh, good crime, vegetable stalls are white, mother-in-law turtles, heart-liver hey-hey-hey-hey-hey-hey-hey-hey, surely son, beat Lao Tzu vomiting blood, oh, I sell again, lettuce dried, and peas ups and downs, sold out, bean stall, Lao Tzu also, into the hospital.

”老板,莴笋颠啷个卖?””5角钱一斤.””啥子也碰雀手?你连老子,菜市场一霸都认不到啊?还敢收老子的钱!二回把眼睛睁大点!龟儿哈批!” Boss, do you sell lettuce? Fifty cents a kilo. "What's that?" You can't even recognize Lao Tzu, the dominant vegetable market? Dare to collect Lao Tzu's money! Open your eyes twice! Tortoise criticism!"

哦,我卖,我再卖。Oh, I'll sell it. I'll sell it again.

”不准卖!你娃涉嫌和多起单挑案件有关,现在我要逮捕你24小时。你有权不切拉屎,但是你所拉的每一坨都将成为呈堂正供。”” No sale! Your baby is suspected of being involved in many single-handed cases. Now I have to arrest you for 24 hours. You have the right not to shit, but every tuck you pull will be a confession.



卖洋芋改编的那首歌的原版为Unchained melody (奔放的旋律),这首歌是Righteous Brothers(正义兄弟) 的经典作品,也是电影《人鬼情未了》里面的主题曲。