的确是原创音乐(所谓原创与否只是一个说法,它其实就是一段MIDI音乐小样,有版权,同时根据微软的风格这个音乐的版权应该是被一次性买断的),作者David Yackley,这段音乐的作用仅仅是为了做系统能否播放MIDI的系统测试,并且这不是一个彩蛋~微软枯丛缓自带的所有图片和没模音乐都郑并是经过购买授权的~另外:Flourish and Town 的作者为: Nathan Grigg,这首曲子和Onestop.mid都是2000年微软购入的。原文如下:If you look in your C:\Windows\Media folder, you'll find a MIDI file called onestop. What's the story behind this odd little MIDI file? Aaron Margosis considers this file a security risk because "if an attacker can cause that file to be played, it will cause lasting mental pain and anguish to everybody within earshot."Despite Wikipedia's claims[citation needed], the file is not an Easter Egg. The file was added in in Windows XP with the comment "Add cool MIDI files to replace bad old ones." So as bad as onestop is, the old ones must have been even worse!Okay, but why were they added?For product support.The product support team wants at least one MIDI file present on the system by default for troubleshooting purposes. That way, problems with MIDI playback can be diagnosed without making the customer go to a Web page and download a MIDI file. When asked why the song is so awful, the developer who added the file explained, "Believe it or not, OneStop is 'less bad' than the ones that it replaced. (Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, etc.)" Another reason for replacing the old MIDI file is that the new one exercises more instruments.The song was composed by David Yackley.On the other hand, we lost clock.avi.引用文献:What's the story of the onestop.mid file in the Media directory?http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2013/02/12/10392805.aspx?Redirected=trueThe Mystery of the 3 Music Files in Windows 7http://www.thewindowsclub.com/the-mystery-of-the-3-music-files-in-windows-7