interviewed是interview的过去分词 interview:美 ['ɪntər.vju];英 ['ɪntə(r).vjuː] n.(记者的)访问;访问记;接见;皮丛会见 v.接见;会见;(记者)访问 复数:interviews 过去分词:interviewed 现在分词:interviewing 例句:山饥 1.He never talked about his having been interviewed by the reporter. 他从来没谈起过他被记者采访的事情。 2.Other people interviewed simply said the ban was a silly anachronism andshould be dropped forthwith. 被采访的其他人简短地说禁令不合时宜,应该立即废除。 3.When being interviewed, usually you are required to give a brief account ofyour work experience. 在燃唯樱面试时通常要简述一下自己的工作经历。 4.Half of those interviewed regard at least one parent as their "hero" . 半数被采访的人都认为至少有一位家长是他们的“英雄”。 5.They interviewed the same guy who just came out of a bombed station. 他们采访了同一个从被炸毁的地铁站里出来的男人。
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