Hello it's meI was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meetTo go over everything问君无恙兮,一别经年;可否相见兮,述别过往。They say that time's supposedto heal ya but I ain't done much healing人言时光兮,治人贺汪情伤;欲忘不能兮,我心惆怅!Hello can you hear meI'm in California dreaming about who we used to be君可听闻兮,旧人相唤?我居加州兮,思怀茫茫。When we were younger and freeI've forgotten how it feltbefore the world fell at our feet安记否?经年未过时,年少不羁。已忘言,世若崩塌兮,我心所想。敏拍迹There's such a difference between usAnd a million miles一别万里兮,遥遥无方;别后无言兮,不敢相忘。Hello from the other sideI must've called a thousand times to tell youI'm sorry for everything that I've doneBut when I call you never seem to be home万里问君兮,别来无恙?思君千遍兮,倾诉衷肠。悔不当初矣,与君别离!问君千遍兮,恍若未闻。Hello from the outsideAt least I can say that I've tried to tell youI'm sorry for breaking your heartBut it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore万里问君兮,别来无恙?上下求索兮,诉我衷肠:悔不当初矣,使君心伤!得慰我心者兮,闻君无恙。Hello,how are you?It's so typical of me to talk about myselfI'm sorry I hope that you're well问君无恙兮,君可安康?自说自话兮,诉我衷肠。Did you ever make it out of that townWhere nothing ever happened小城安记否,但言无妨;往不可追兮,祝君安康。It's no secretThat the both of us are running out of time.与君相约,旧日时光存兮,安敢相忘?好与君知,时不我待者兮,不敢相忘!Hello from the other sideI must've called a thousand times to tell youI'm sorry for everything that I've doneBut when I call you never seem to be home万里问君兮,别来无恙?思君千遍兮,倾诉衷肠。悔不当初矣,与君别离!问君千遍兮,恍若未闻。Hello from the outsideAt least I can say that I've tried to tell youI'm sorry for breaking your heartBut it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore万里问君兮,别来无恙?上下求索兮,诉我衷肠:悔不当初矣,使君心伤!得慰我心者兮,闻君无恙。Ooooohh anymore, ooooohh anymoreOoooohh anymore, anymore得慰我心者兮,闻桥并君无恙。……
hello kitty是什么意思?
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中文歌词o children
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