00是有一种在老挝,非常稀有00One of the world's rarest animals, the saola, known as the ''Asian unicorn'', has been sighted for the first time in more than a decade. However the animal died after been captured by villagers in a remote region of Laos.00日前,老挝一偏远地区的村民捉住了一头苏拉。苏拉世界上最珍稀的动物之一,人称“亚洲独角兽”(也有人译作“麒麟”),这是十多年以来人们首次发现它们的踪迹。不过,这头苏拉在被捉住之后不久就死去了。00The critically endangered mammal, which is found in the mountains of Vietnam and Laos, was first discovered in 1992. The saola, which looks similar to the antelopes of North Africa, but is more closely related to wild cattle, is so elusive it has been likened to the unicorn, despite having two horns, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) said.00这种濒危哺乳动物是人们1992年在越南和老挝的山区首次发现的。国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)的工作人员说,苏拉虽然长得像北改脊非羚羊,却是野牛的近亲,它行踪不定,难核晌渗以捉摸,因此被称作“独角兽”,尽管它其实有两只角。00The animal is listed as critically endangered, with just a few hundred thought to exist in the wild. Conservationists said that with none in zoos and almost nothing known about how to keep them in captivity, if the species vanish in the wild they will be extinct.00这种动物被列入了“极度濒危物种”的名单,也就是说只有几百头苏拉生活在野外。动物保护者说,动物园里没有这种动物,人们也几乎不知道如何饲养它们,一旦它们在野外消失,这个物种就灭绝了。00The Laos government said villagers in the country's central province of Bolikhamxay captured the saola in late August and brought it back to their village. When news of the capture reached the authorities a team was sent, advised by the IUCN and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), to examine and release the animal.00老挝政府称,老挝中部博利坎赛省的村民于八月底捉住了这头苏拉并把它带回村子。消息传出后,在国际自然保护联盟和野生动物保护协会(WCS)的建议下,有关当局派出了一支队伍,试谨羡图检查并释放这头苏拉。而且我在一本讲老挝旅行指南的书上还看到过这几种濒危动物的简介,还有老挝岩鼠,伊洛瓦底江豚等你说的达维应该是达维四不象鹿
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