
mirror mirror 的中文翻译歌词

mirror mirror 的中文翻译歌词

Mirror mirror lie to me魔镜魔镜骗我吧Show me what I wanna see给我看到我希望见到的Mirror mirror lie to me魔镜魔镜骗我吧Why don't I like the girl I see为什麼我不喜欢我眼中所见的那个女孩The one who's standing right in front of me那个站在我面前的女孩Why don't I think before I speak为什麼我开口之前不好好先想一想呢I should have listened to that voice inside me我应该听听来自我心中的声音I must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mind我一定是疯了To say the kind of things I said last night说了昨晚说的那番话Mirror mirror hanging on the wall挂在墙上的魔镜阿You don't have to tell me who's the biggest fool of all你不必告诉我谁是世上最愚笨的人Mirror mirror I wish you could lie to me魔镜魔镜 我多希梁衡望你能骗我And bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me并带回我的挚爱Mirror mirror lie to me魔镜魔镜骗我吧Show me what I wanna see给我看到我希望见到的Mirror mirror lie to me魔镜魔镜骗我吧Show me what I wanna see给我看到我希望见到的Why did I let you walk away为什麼我要让你走When all I had to do was say I'm sorry当时我需要做的只是说声抱歉阿I let my pride get in the way我的自尊心作祟And in the heat of the moment I was to blame在激烈争执之时我却只会怪罪I must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mind我一定是疯了Now in the cold light of the day I realize在这受到轻视的一天我橡稿做懂了Mirror mirror hanging on the wall挂在墙上的魔镜阿You don't have to tell me who'敬汪s the biggest fool of all不必告诉我谁是世上最愚笨的人Mirror mirror I wish you could lie to me魔镜魔镜 我多希望你能骗我And bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me并带回我的挚爱If only wishes could be dreams但愿这是一场梦And know my dreams could come true而知道梦竟成真There would be two us standing here in front of you会有两个我站在你面前If you could show me that someone that I used to be如果你能让我找回从前的我Bring back my baby, my baby to me带回的的挚爱吧Mirror mirror hanging on the wall挂在墙上的魔镜阿You don't have to tell me who's the biggest fool of all不必告诉我谁是世上最愚笨的人Mirror mirror I wish you could lie to me魔镜魔镜 我多希望你能骗我And bring my baby back, bring my baby back to me带回的的挚爱吧Mirror mirror lie to me魔镜魔镜骗我吧Show me what I wanna see给我看到我希望见到的Mirror mirror lie to me魔镜魔镜骗我吧Mirror mirror lie to me魔镜魔镜骗我吧Show me what I wanna see给我看到我希望见到的Mirror mirror lie to me 魔镜魔镜骗我吧