


音标  英音:[rɔ:ŋ]美音:[rɔŋ]词典解释  形容词 a.  1. 错误的,不对的[+to-v]  I took the wrong way.  我走错了路。 孙伏 2. 不道德的;犯罪的;邪恶的[F][+to-v]  It is wrong of you to bully the child.  你不则正携该欺侮那个孩子。  3. 不正常的,出毛病的;不健全的[F][(+with)]  What's wrong with the machine?  这机器出了什么毛病?  Something is wrong with her.  她有问题。  4. 不适当的  She is the wrong person for the position.  她不是担任这个职位的合适人选。  5. 反(面)的,相反的  副词 ad.  1. 错误地  He guessed wrong.  他猜错了。  2. 邪恶地,不正当地  名词 n.  1. 错误[U]  It is not always easy to know right from wrong.  分辨是非并不总是很容易的。  2. 不道德;违法,犯罪[U]  3. 坏事,不道德行为;不法行为[C]  The man has committed many wrongs.  那个汉子干了许多坏事。  4. 不公正,冤屈[C][U]  及物动词 vt.  1. 冤枉,委屈  2. 无礼地对待;虐待;诈骗  I warned her against wronging her stepdaughter.  我警告她不要虐待她的继女。习惯用语 come wrong 不被接受, 不受欢迎do sb. wrong 对待某人不公平; 冤枉某人, 委屈某人do wrong to sb. 对待某人不公平; 冤枉某人, 委屈某人do wrong 做错事; 犯罪, 作恶; 判断错误get in wrong with sb. [美,口]使某人讨厌;得罪某人get in wrong [美, 口]受某人讨厌; 使某人陷入困境, 使某人失去众望get sb. in wrong [美, 口]受某人讨厌; 使某人陷入困境, 使某人失去众望get it wrong 算错, 误解get sb. wrong [口]误解某人go wrong 走错路; 搞不好; 格格不入; 龃龉; 堕落; 失清庆败; (女人)失身; 机器发生故障in the wrong 错误, 不对, 不正确; 有过失, 犯错误put sb. in the wrong 冤枉某人, 委屈某人, 诬陷某人right a wrong 纠正错误; 平反; 报仇right or wrong 不管好坏; 无论对错something is wrong with sb. 某人[某事] 出毛病, 出差错something is wrong with sth. 某人[某事] 出毛病, 出差错suffer wrong 受害[虐待]; 受非法(不公正)对待.Two wrongs don't make a right. [谚] 两个错误不等于一个正确; 不能利用别人的错误来掩饰自己的错误。