
想要Kidnapping An Heiress 这首歌的中文歌词?

想要Kidnapping An Heiress 这首歌的中文歌词?

Kidnapping An Heiress被绑架的富家千金Black box recorder黑匣子记录器Born into money, it's not a crime.身出名门不是过山铅错。You can fool the people all the time.可以愚弄大众,随时随地。Nine hundred dead in Jonestown.琼斯镇死亡九百。Rescued from a shopping mall.从超市被救出。Heiress with a little girls soul.千金继承于身却懵懂无知。Do you think we'll make the papers?你认为我们会说出实情吗?And we're searching for your daughter.我们仍在寻找您的女儿。On Saturday the childhood ends.星期六,童真逝去。Strange way to make new friends.奇怪的方式,新的朋友。She's lying in the basement.她在地下室中躺下。Black boy, white girl.黑色男孩,白色女孩。Black girl with a blindfold.还有被蒙住双眼的黑色女孩。Which one will be your lover?哪一个将会是你的情人?And we're searching for your daughter.我们仍在寻找您的女儿。(Kidnapping an heiress.)(被绑架的富家千金。)Lock her up for sixty days六十天了,我逗兄好们囚禁着她。Change her hair, change her name移装易服,改名换姓。Smile for the camera对着相机微笑吧。Friendships about trust友谊需要信任。If we trust you then you're one of us如果你能让我们信任你,你就将成为我们的一员。Live together, die for each other.生死与共。And we're searching for your daughter.我们仍在寻找您的尘山女儿。Born into money, it's not a crime.身出名门不是过错。You can fool the people all the time.可以愚弄大众,随时随地。Nine hundred dead in Jonestown.琼斯镇死亡九百。Get down, stay down.坐下别动。(Put a bullet in your head.)小心子弹打爆你的头。It's only money.我们要的是钱。Smile for the camera.快对着相机微笑。How could you not defend your honour?你们怎么可以言而无信?And we think we've found your daughter.我想我们找到了您的女儿。注:琼斯镇(Jonestown):美国历史上最臭名昭著的邪教,人民圣殿教及其头子吉姆·琼斯所在地。1978年11月18日,九百多个信众在南美洲圭亚那琼斯镇发生的集体自杀事件中死去,震惊了美国和全世界。具有讽刺意味的是,在此事件发生之前,琼斯镇一度被该教教众誉为全世界最后一块世外桃源