Undertaker性别:男身高:208 cm体重:136 kg中文名:送葬者绰号:The Deadman本名:Mark William Calaway出生日期:1965-3-24首次登台:1984年现状:半退役状态曾用名:(The) Undertaker, Kane the Undertaker, Mark Callous, Punisher Dice Morgan, The Punisher, Texas Red, The Master of Pain加入WWE:1990年出生地:美国得克萨斯州,休镇毕斯敦现居帆腊地:美国得克萨斯州,奥斯汀婚姻:已婚,妻子Michelle Leigh McCool(Michelle McCool)教练:Don Jardine终结技:*As The Undertaker ChokeslamHell's Gate (Modified gogoplata) – 2008–presentLast Ride (Elevated powerbomb) – 2000–presentTombstone Piledriver (Kneeling reverse piledriver, followed by a modified pin)Triangle choke – 2003–2008*As "Mean" Mark Callous Callous Clutch (Jaw clutch)Heart punch常用招式:*Back body drop*Ballistic punching combination*Big boot*Fujiwara armbar*Flying clothesline*Guillotine leg drop onto the chest or back of an apron-hung opponent*Heatseeking Missile (Missile dropkick) – 1984–1990*One-handed clawhold – 1984–1990*No-handed over the top rope suicide dive*Old School (Arm twist ropewalk chop)*Reverse STO*Running DDT*Running flying clothesline, sometimes with a cornered opponent*Running leg drop*Sidewalk slam*Snake Eyes, followed by a running big boot*Takin' Care of Business (Standing dragon sleeper) – 2002–2007*Wrist lock followed by multiple shoulder blocks冠军次数:* Pro Wrestling IllustratedPWI 1997年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第六名PWI 1998年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第五名PWI 1999年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第八名PWI 2002年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第二名PWI 2007年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第五名PWI 2008年500位最佳男子单打选手排行第六名PWI 2010年500位最佳男子单打选手御轿芹排行第八名* United States Wrestling AssociationUSWA统一世界重量级冠军(1次)* World Class Wrestling AssociationWCWA德州重量级冠军(1次)* World Wrestling Federation / World Wrestling EntertainmentWWE世界重量级冠军(3次)WWF/E冠军(4次)WWF硬核冠军(1次)WWF双打冠军(6次) – with Steve Austin (1), The Big Show (2), The Rock (1) and Kane (2)WCW双打冠军(1次) – with Kane皇家大战(2007年)