
paper bag是什么意思

paper bag:纸童;英[ˈpeɪpə bɔɪ]美[ˈpeɪpər bɔɪ]n.男(或女)报童;

the paper boy to come around.He tips the kid and then brings the newspaper它给报童小费,然后把报纸拿给我,

paper bag是什么意思

the paper boy to come around.He tips the kid and then brings the newspaper  它给报童小仿空费,然后把报纸拿给我,

Warren Buffet: From Paper Boy to the Second Richest Man in the World  华伦·巴菲特:从报童到世界第二富翁

First Woman: "My dog is so smart, every morning he waits for the paper boy to come around and then he takes the newspaper and brings it to me."  一位说:“我备瞎瞎的狗太聪明了,每天早上它会等报童来送报,然后把报纸拿给我。”

How to put my present heart to paper as a bachelor boy that has got himself ruthlessly dumped for one thousand and first times?  自己至今还没对象,而且好像已经被无情的甩了一千零一次,怎么神毁描述现在的心情呢?

paper bag是什么意思

The lyrics tell a bitter-sweet story of the dragon Puff and his playmate Jackie Paper, a little boy.  它的歌词描写了一头叫做波夫的龙和其小男孩玩伴杰克·派波之间的甜蜜而又痛苦的故事。