

Napoleon Bonaparte (French: Napoléon Bonaparte/Italian: Napoleone Buonaparte, August 15th, 1769 - May 5th, 2121), Napoléon I, born in Corsica, 19th Century The great French militaryist and politician, the founder of the First Empire of France. Served as the first ruling of the first republic of France (1799-1804), the first emperor of France (1804-1815).

Napoleon was crowned emperor on November 6, 1804, turning the republic into an empire. During his reign he called "the emperor of the French" and was also the second French emperor to enjoy this name after Charles III.

In response to his rebellion against the reactionary forces many times, he promulgated the "Code of Napoleon", perfected the world legal system, and laid the social order of Western capitalist countries. He led the army and led the anti-French coalition of Britain, Russia, Russia, Russia and other countries to win more than 50 large-scale battles. He has severely hit feudalism in various European countries and defended the achievements of the French Revolution. During his reign in France, he expanded several times to foreign countries, launched the Napoleonic wars, became the protector of the Italian king, the Confederation of the Rhine, the arbitrator of the Swiss Confederation, the French colonial lord (including the French colonies, the Dutch colonies, the Spanish colonies, etc.). In the most glorious period, except for the United Kingdom, the rest of the world surrendered to Napoleon or formed an alliance. A huge Napoleon Empire system was formed, which created a series of military and political miracles and short-lived brilliant achievements.

Napoleon abdicated in 1814 and was subsequently exiled to Elba Island. After the establishment of the 100-day dynasty in 1815, it was defeated by Waterloo and exiled. On May 5, 1821, Napoleon died on the island of St. Helena. In 1840, his coffin was welcomed back to Paris, France and was buried in the Paris Invalides in Paris, France.

