

【calves】的意思是小牛 ; 小腿 ; 屠宰小牛 ; 牛犊 ; 犊牛。







Your calves are twitching.你的小腿肚正在抽搐。

I was lookin' at tha' calves an' tha' shoulders.我刚在看着你的小腿和肩膀。

The grizzly bear was also a creature of the prairie, feeding on buffalo carcasses and 睁卖calves.在草原上的还有灰熊,它们以捕食野牛尸体和小牛犊为生。

shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old?岂可献一岁的牛犊为燔祭吗。

After seeking advice, the king made two golden calves. He said to the people, 'It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem.耶罗波安王就筹划定妥,铸造了两个金牛犊,对众民说,以色列人哪,你们上耶路撒冷去实在是难。

An empty "bag, " or udder, can identify a dry cow, which tends to be in better condition than a cow with calves.现为“空袋”(即未处于哺乳期的乳房)的干牛,其状况好过于那些有小牛要照料的母牛。

With all that extra downtime, you'll have plenty of opportunity to stretch your calves and strengthen your anterior leg muscles.在你休息的时间里,你有很多机会来拉伸你的腓肠肌和加强你小腿正面的肌肉。

On the second day you shall offer twelve calves of the herd, two rams and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish.应献公牛犊十二头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。

For a week, these pilot whales, mostly mothers and calves, had been spotted swimming together.这群领航鲸主要为雌性和幼鲸,前一周以来它们一直在一起游弋。