007第一集,大反派诺博士是个中国人,这部电影上映于1962年的10月5日,之后15天,中印边境冲突爆发,4年之后,文革中的中国进一步封闭了自己,谜一般的红色风暴自东方而起,席卷了整个世界,而那些嘶喊吼叫着的左派学生们其物顷实并不知道当时的中国在发生着什么。 文革过去33年了,西方人眼中橘迟的中国是什么样子?这个问题始终挑动着所有中国人的心,我们就如同一个少年,有着让人自豪的成绩,也有着不可忽略的缺点,毛躁地期待着,期待着所有人都为那些成绩喝彩,所有人都放过那些缺点。我们在每一部大片中寻找着中国的影子,在每一个应该有大国出现的大场面中寻找那红色的旗帜,在每一次世界面临奇思异想的灭顶之灾时都期盼着中国的出现。我们等来的是什么呢?是破旧野蛮如集中营一样的监狱,是中国熊猫的美式减肥之旅,是旧式的军服和冷酷的军人,是挥金如土的黑帮富商,是质朴善良却吃不饱的人民。我们是如此在意西方媒体对我们的看法,所以《参考消息》销量甚高;我们是如此在意好莱坞镜头里的中国是怎么样的,所以在失望后我们愤怒,我们谩骂,我们沮丧。 好像一个少年,用穿着球鞋的脚踢着街边的垃圾桶,发泄着他看似有理却其实无关紧要的愤怒:这一切,都是成长的烦恼而已。 何必在意好莱坞镜头里的中国是什么样呢?不需要在陨石撞击地球之前拉着中国也发射核弹,我们知道自己能毁灭世界;不需要让蝙蝠侠在香港跳来跳去,我们知道自己有摩天大厦;不需要一个外国导演的感动,我们知道在2008年的5月,汶川、映秀、北川闪耀着怎样的光辉,那光辉足以在人类不长的历史上留下璀璨的一点。不需要,其实我们从来都不需要好莱坞的肯定和西方世界的赞赏,我们有《南方周末》,有简光洲,有卢广,有×××,有×××(请随意填空,只要可能被豆瓣删除的人名都符合条件),我们能够发现自己的问题,我们也有有勇气说出这些问题的勇敢同胞。 但是——是的——没错,如同罩伍陆那个少年一样,我们希望那肥大的校服能够衬出自己一下子蹿高了8公分的身材;我们希望那千篇一律的、人人一样的发型能够有点变化;我们希望自己成为同龄人中最有魅力的那一个——尤其是和西南角那个黑乎乎的表弟相比;当然,我们最希望的是那些前辈们能够说一句:小伙子,不错! 哪怕那些前辈们虽然有的富可敌国,有的学富五车,却已老眼昏花,跟不上时代,也泡不到美眉了。 少年中国啊,少年中国,当我坐在电影院中,不可免俗地费力寻找你的身影时;当你的名字出现在那张地图上,我惊呼出声心中暗爽时;当我和所有观众一样,看到直升机上那八一星徽会心一笑时,我们都是你的一部分——你的少年心性,你的故作深沉,你的不成熟,你的早熟,你的活力,你的不完美,你的冲劲,你的不自信,你的勇敢。 好莱坞的镜头里永远不会有我们眼中的中国,我们眼中的中国只会出现在中国电影的镜头里。西方媒体的笔下永远不会有真正的中国史,中国历史的记录者永远使用汉字,那汉字从前存在于史官怀中的竹简和市井小民的传说中,今日则被坐在电脑前的每一个你和我敲击,那些西方记者们漏掉的每一个欢笑和每一场苦难,都被我们忠实的记录。 所以,无需费尽去寻找“中国方舟”了,无需为那一句“只有中国能在短时间内做到”而受用无穷,梁启超在《少年中国说》中说中国“壮丽浓郁、翩翩绝世”,不是吗?在那些白皮肤的老朽们已经爬到山顶的时候,等待着他们的只有下山的路,而攀爬未半的少年中国,抬起头,前方是久违300年的绝顶风景。 好莱坞,不如遗忘中国吧,不当大反派,也无意成为救世主,更不想如你们镜头中俄罗斯的寡头、沙特的王储、印度的科学怪才那般脸谱化。如何编排你们的配角由你们自己高兴,但真正的中国,存在在中国人当主角的电影里。 好吧,善良的中国人民都同意了,以后俺们的灾难片里,也给你们美国人留一艘船。要减肥哦。 007 first episode, big villain Dr John Ure is a Chinese, the film released in 1962, October 5, after 15 days, the Sino-Indian border conflict broke out, four years after the Cultural Revolution in China to further its own closed, mystery The Red Storm from the East in general into the sky, swept the entire world, and those rages hoarsely roaring of the leftist students in fact did not know then what is taking place in China. The Cultural Revolution in the past 33 years, the eyes of Westerners, China is like? This question has always been stirring up the hearts of all Chinese people, we would like a teenager, with people proud of the achievements, but also has shortcomings can not be ignored, edgy look forward, looking forward to all those who applaud achievements, and everyone put than those deficiencies. We look forward to every large in China's shadow, in every country there should be a big scene to find that a large red banner, and every wild notion of the disaster facing the world when they are looking forward to China's appears. We waited for the past what is it? Is worn the same brutal, such as concentration camps, prisons, the American-style Chinese panda journey to lose weight is a old-style military uniforms and the cold is a wealthy high-rolling gangsters, is simple but good enough to eat people. We are so concerned about the Western media's views on us, so "Reference News" sales of very high; we are so concerned about the lens inside the Hollywood kind of how China is, so we are angry after disappointing that we abuse, we are dismayed. Like a teenager, wearing shoes with feet kicked street trash, vent plausible but in fact his anger does not matter: all these are just growing pains. Why care about Hollywood lens, China is like? Do not need to pull before the meteorite hit the Earth in China also launched a nuclear bomb, we know that he can destroy the world; do not need to make Batman jumping in Hong Kong, we know that they have skyscrapers; do not need a foreign director moved, we know that in 2008 in May, Wenchuan, Yingxiu, Beichuan how brilliant shining, it is not bright enough to a long history in the human left bright point. No, in fact, we never need Hollywood's recognition and appreciation of the Western world, we have, "Southern Weekend", with Jane Kwangju, there is Lu Guang, there is × × ×, there is × × × (please feel free to fill in the blank, as long as may be 豆瓣remove the names are in line with conditions), we can find their own problems, we also have the courage to tell these brave fellow. But - yes - yes, like that young, we hope that the hypertrophy of Chen Chu their uniforms to a sudden jump high 8 cm tall; we hope that the monotony, and everyone can be a bit like hair changes; We hope to become the most attractive peers of that one - especially with the southwest corner compared to that dark and cousin;, of course, our best hope is that those predecessors were able to say: boy, yes! Even though some of those predecessors extremely wealthy, and some Xuefu five cars, already Laoyanhunhua, keep up with the times, it can not crush the foam. Young China ah, young Chinese, when I was sitting in the cinema can not escape convention to effortlessly find your shadow pm; when your name appears on the chart, I exclaimed out loud when the heart Anshuang; when I, like all the audience and saw the helicopter was 81 when the star emblem of a knowing smile, we are all a part of you - your young minds, you Guzuoshenchen, your immaturity, your precocious, your energy, you do not perfect, you have momentum, you are not confident, you are courageous. Hollywood's lens will never have our eyes China, we are in the eyes of China will only appear in the Chinese film lens. Western media's pen will never have a real Chinese history, Chinese history, the record will always use the Chinese characters, which used to exist in the Chinese historian bosom of the bamboo and the ordinary people of the legend, today was sitting in front of the computer for each one You and I tap those Western journalists who miss each and every one laugh a misery, have been our loyal records. So, no need to expend a tremendous amount to look for "China's Ark", and no need for that one, "Only China can do in a short time" and is good enough for infinity, Liang in "Young China, said that" that China "magnificent full-bodied, Innocent Steps masterpiece", is not it? In those white-skinned decrepit are already Padaoshanding time, waiting for their only down the road, but climbing is not half of the Young China, raised his head, the front is a long-hoped-300 years of utterly scenery. Hollywood might as well forget the Chinese bar, improper major opponent, but also not intended to be a savior, even if you do not want the lens in the Russian oligarchs, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince, India's science geeks be as profiling. How to schedule your supporting by your own happy, but the real China, there is the Chinese people when the main character of the movie. Well, kind-hearted Chinese people have agreed, after the film was a disaster An Men, but also give you the Americans stay in a boat. Oh, to lose weight.
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