
求宫崎骏 简介中英对照

求宫崎骏 简介中英对照

英文:Gongqijun is one of the most populor animators(漫画家).He was born in Tokyo in 1941. For all his year ,he is done the less active and energetic.He love airplane and flying,because of his family owned a factory that build airplane.So his films are often having filying scenes .(场面)In 1984 , he had finished his first animat(漫画).中文:宫崎骏是著名的漫画家之一。他出生于纽约在1941年。他虽然逗陪返年事已高,但仍生气勃勃,精力旺盛。他很喜欢飞机与飞行,因为他的家庭是制造飞机的工厂。所以在山饥他的电影里经常会要飞行场面。在1984年,他完成了自己第一部漫画。(我自己写的,可能不是乱余太好。呵呵~~) (楼下的,我错了~~话说我真的不知道~~)