【priceless】和【worthless】其尺局段实是一对反义词。1)priceless表示非常珍贵,因而难以计算陵誉其价值。如:priceless masterpieces by Canova and Bernini(卡诺瓦和贝尔尼尼的无价杰作)。腊碰2)worthless 表示没有什么价值。如:I'm afraid your shares are now worthless(恐怕你的股票现在一文不值了)。3)英文解释差别:Be careful not to confuse the words priceless, invaluable and worthless. Something which is 【priceless】 is so precious that it is difficult to give it a value. …priceless masterpieces by Canova and Bernini. Something which is invaluable is very useful indeed. It has a spelling checker, which is invaluable if you are dyslexic. In contrast, something that is 【worthless】 is of very little value. I'm afraid your shares are now worthless.
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