《Together Now》(《携手同行》)。
北京时间12月2日凌晨,2006年多哈亚运会盛大拉开序幕,中国香港的歌神张学友也倾情献唱,曲目《Together Now》(《携手同行》)。张学友的歌声震撼了全场,也掀开了亚运会代表团入场仪式的序幕。
张学友被华人音乐界奉为“歌神”,其93年发行的《吻别》至今仍是各大KTV点唱的金曲。身着黑色燕尾服,张学友深情款款地唱起了本届亚运会主题歌《Together Now》(中文名:携手同
作为多哈亚运会开幕式的特邀表演嘉宾之一,素有“歌神”之称的中国香港明星张学友在开幕式上倾情演绎了一首英文歌曲《在一起》。当身着黑灰色燕尾服的张学友出现在开幕式演出现场演唱时,获得现场观众热情的掌声,现场的一位来自中国香港的记者忍不住连连对四周的记者介绍:“Jacky Cheung,best singer from Hong Kong(这是来自中国香港的最好的歌手张学友)。”一曲《携手同行》向多哈人民带去了龙的传人美好的祝福和真诚的问候。
Can you hear it, hear the sound?
The sound of thunder rolling in
A thousand drummers on a breath of wind
The sound of footsteps beating down
Coming closer, nearer now
The tribes that gather like a storm across the sky
With banners flying in the sun
The colours bleeding into one
Step by step, one by one we come
Together now
Can you feel it, the kiss of wind?
The wind of change that fans the flame
A flame that lights up like a storm against the sky
With banners flying in the sun
The colours bleeding into one
Step by step, one by one we come
Together now
Across the seas and desert sands
The people reaching out their hands
Step by step, one by one we come
Together now
Step by step, one by one we come
Together now
Now that the time has come
This moment in the sun
A new day breaks with the dawn
Across an ancient land