
bitch slap什么意思

bitch slap什么意思

To open handedley slap someone. Denote disrespect for the person being bitch slapped as they are not worthy of a man sized punch. Suggests the slap was met with little resistance and much whining.也就是表咐贺示轻蔑的一种slap.架势大力气不重。表现出被打人根本不值得男人那样的改碰重拳。当然了,也有可能是真的那种女衡歼派人大人的样子。How to perform: Imagine some bitch just called out your fake Louis Vuitton shoes and hat just to make your baby’s daddy laugh at your cheap ass. Raise your right hand above your head, elbow bent, and pretend you are throwing a baseball like a girl. Open palm comes down in a chopping motion to the cheek and jaw of your victim. Twist your shoulders into the attack for maximum effect.