
open for business是什么意思

open for business是什么意思

open for business [英][ˈəupən fɔ: ˈbiznis][美][ˈopən fɔr ˈbɪznɪs] 开业; 双语例句孝让斗 1 The new stock exchange was open for business yesterday. 这家新证券交易所昨天开业。 2 Unlike other high-frequency traders, who can flip the off-switch the instant they sense trouble, market makers like knight, which use algorithms to match buyers and sellers from diverse clients such as Scottrade and vanguard, are required to stay open for business unless there 's a major error. 与其他发现问题就立即停止交巧磨易的高频交易商不同,骑士这样的造市商运用算法将来自Scottrade、先锋公司(Vanguard)等不同客户的买卖指令进行撮合,除非有重大错误出现,就必须接单滑厅。