Peng Lai Palace :Ancient pavilion is located put state department, governs the nine county a state, and is when China Oriental portals. Prestigious terengganu state ancient port, is China ancient northern important foreign trade ports and exercising the southeastern coast of China, and the quanzhou, Minnesota (ningbo) and yangzhou, called the four Chinese trade port, and China is the best preserved intact ancient naval base. Penglai mountain and sea, 蓬莱阁是古代登州府署所在地,管辖着九个县一个州,是当时中国东方的门户。久负盛名的登州古港,是中国古代北方重要的对外贸易铅耐口指激裤岸和军港,与我国东南沿海的泉州、明州(宁波)和扬州,并称为中国四大通商口岸,并且是我国唯简目前保存得最完好的古代海军基地。蓬莱依山傍海,所以又以“山海名邦”著称于世,山光水色堪称一绝。
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