/ ˏpiː ˈsiː; ˏpi ˋsi/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit) personal computer 个人用计算机; 个人电手斗液脑. (pl PCs) police constable: PC (Tom) Marsh (汤姆?)马什警察. Cf 参看 WPC. Privy Councillor.pc abbr 缩写 = (US pct) (symb 符号为 %) per cent: 20 pc 20%. / ˏpiː ˈsiː; ˏpi ˋsi/ (infml 口) postcard.牛津高阶英汉双解词典 health / helθ; hɛlθ/ n [U] condition of a person's body or mind 人销链的身体或精神状况; 健康状况: have poor health 身体不好 * be in/enjoy the best of health 身体非常好 * Exercise is good for the health. 锻炼身体有益於健康. * Your (very) good health! eg said when drinking a toast to sb 祝你健康! (如向某人敬酒时之用语) * [attrib 作定语] health insurance/care 健康保险[保健] * He retired early for health reasons. 他由於健康上的原因而毕物提前退休. state of being well and free from illness 健康: be restored to health 恢复健康 * be bursting with health and vitality 身体健康、 精神抖擞. (idm 习语) a clean bill of health => clean1. drink sb's health; drink a health to sb => drink2. in rude health => rude. propose a toast/sb's health => propose.> healthful / ˈhelθfl; ˋhɛlθfəl/ adj (fml 文) good for the health 有益於健康的.# `health centre (Brit) headquarters of a group of local medical services 地方医疗服务中心; 卫生院.`health farm place where people go in order to try to improve their health by dieting, exercising, etc 健身场.`health food (often pl 常作复数) natural food, usu free of artificial substances, that is thought to be especially good for the health 保健食品(天然的、 通常不加人造物质的食物): [attrib 作定语] a health food restaurant, shop, etc 供应保健食品的餐馆、 商店等.`health service public service providing medical care 公共医疗卫生服务.`health visitor (Brit) nurse who visits sick or old people at their homes (上门访视病人或老年人的)护理人员.
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