Blue is the colour, 蓝色,我们的本色, Football is the game. 足球,我们的运动 We're all together and winnig is our aim. 团结一致,胜利是我们的目标 So cheer us on through the sun and rain 不论阳光灿烂还是阴雨绵绵 Because Chelsea Chelsea is our name. 因为我们的名字是切尔西,切尔西 Here at the Bridge whether rain or shine, 在斯坦福桥,无论阴晴 We can shine all the time. 我们会一直光彩照人 Oh,for a way come and see us play You're welcome anyday. 哦,来看我们比赛吧 每天都欢迎你的到来 Hey, blue is the colour Football is the game. 嗨,蓝色,我们的本色, 足球,我们的运动 We're all together and winnig is our aim. 团结一致,胜利是我们的目标 So cheer us on through the sun and rain. 不论阳光灿烂还是阴雨绵绵, Because Chelsea Chelsea is our name. 因为我们的名字是切尔西,切尔西 Come to the shed and we'll welcome you. 来看比赛吧,我们欢迎你 Wear your blue and see us through.穿上你的蓝装,看我们的比赛 Sing loud and clear till the game is won. Sing CHELSEA everyone. 大声唱吧,清楚的唱吧,直到我们胜利 Oh, blue is the colour Football is the game. We're all together and winnig is our aim. 团结一致,胜利是我们的目标 So cheer us on through the sun and rain. 不论阳仔渗光灿烂还是阴雨绵绵 Because Chelsea Chelsea is our name.因为我们的名字是切尔西,切尔西 Blue is the colour Football is the game.足球,我们的运动 We're all together and winnig is our aim.团结一致,胜利是我们的目标 So cheer us on through the sun and rain. 不论阳光灿烂还是阴雨此戚陵绵绵 Because Chelsea Chelsea is our name... 每个人都唱着森戚:切尔西 我不容易啊!采纳吧
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