






“上拳不上圆,谈历启上圆助拳旋。”是指习拳者练拳精熟扎实后,开始学习磨练太极球。 太极球有轻有重。最重为三十公斤。成人练习用的一般为十公斤,直径约三十公分。 (先人有的用猪尿胞制成太极球,有的用稻草和泥或木料制成。) 初学者从轻而学,逐渐加大重量。先从定势开始练习,再学习套路。要求:里转外緾,体绕球旋,根稳球顺,忽开忽黏。最终感到手中太极球旋转自如,轻灵无物。太极球的练习使习拳者更加明确缠绕旋转的太极原理。逐渐体会到拳势攻守的作用,慢慢真功夫方会显露出来,并能化解任何对手的攻击动作.

The Praying Mantis Kung Fu Academy is one of a small number of kung fu and wushu schools in Sydney NSW Australia. Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu (Tong Long quan or Tang Lang quan) is over 1000 years old. It's creator, Wang Lang, is documented in the archives of the Shaolin Temple as one of the great masters of the time. Wang Lang developed the style after training at the Shao Lin temple and being inspired by the praying mantis insect. Shifu Daniel Wang Yun Kuo teaches this traditional style of Chinese martial art in Leichhardt a suburb close to the Sydney CBD, NSW Australia. Within the praying mantis kung fu syle there are several variations. The variations taught by Shifu Wang are the Seven Stars and Plum Blossom styles. The Praying Mantis Kung Fu Academy teaches other styles of Chinese KungFu including Wu Shu (wushu is a style of competitive Kung Fu made famous by Jet Li), Chin Na and Wu Dong (also known as Wudan, Wu Tang or Wudang) Tai Chi (taiji, taiqi). Sifu Wang also teaches styles such as Xing Yi (Hsing I) and Ba Gua (Pa Kua). There are many styles of Kung Fu including Chow Ka (Jow Gar), Hung Gar, Chin Woo, Choy Lay Fut, Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) and many others. Kung Fu is very different from other martial arts known in the West such as Karate, Tae Kwon Do or Kickboxing. These are often referred to as hard styles as they use direct force to strike or block the opponent. Many Kung Fu styles combine hard techniques with soft moves. Soft techniques use the momentum and energy of the opponent against them. Kung Fu first gained exposure in Western culture from the 1970's TV Series Kung Fu starring David Carradine. More recently, Kung Fu has been gaining popularity in the West as it is exposed to Wu Xia kung fu culture from movies such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hero, Fearless and famous Kung Fu actors including Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Stephen Chow, Zhang ZiYi, Chow Yun Fat and Michelle Yeoh. Kung Fu has even influenced popular music for example, the Wu Tang Clan and Asian Kung Fu Generation. But the most famous of Kung Fu pop songs is Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas. Praying mantis kung fu is often mis spelled as preying mantis kung fu or playing mantis Kung fu










总之,通过太极球与太极松腰法的训练,太极拳“支撑八面”、“全体透空”、“阶及神明”的内涵就有了物质基础。 (文章出处:《健身科学》)

