
求Eminem的Fast Lane的中文正解歌词。

求Eminem的Fast Lane的中文正解歌词。

Royce Da 5'9"]First verse, uh, I’m on ’til I’m on a island又是我来第一段,我会保持这牛逼状态到我隐退《紧闭岛》那天My life’s ridin’ on the Autobahn on autopilot我的人生开启了自动导航,驰骋在不限速高速路上Before I touch dirt, I’ll kill you all with kindness在我走出车子前,我要优雅从容的灭掉所有对手I kill ya, my natural persona’s much worse杀你没商量,我真实本性比这还要凶残You’ve been warned if you’ve been born or if you can form不管你是饶舌新人还是带几分功底的饶舌小辈,我劝你:Slap up a cop and then snatch 'em outta his uniform有种的话就去狠枣搏抽**一耳光,再把他的山岩腔制服扒下来Leave him wit’ his socks, hard bottoms and bloomers on让他只穿着袜子,皮鞋和内裤And hang him by his balls from the horn of a unicorn在他小鸟处系好绳子,再把他悬挂在独角兽的角上Y’all niggas’s intellect's mad slow, y’all fags know你们这帮笨蛋的脑筋过分迟钝,你们全都是娘/泡Claimin’ you bangin’, you flamin’还扬言自己是匪/帮的人,你娘到让人作呕Bet you could light your own cigarette witcha asshole基情如火到菊花能点燃自己的烟Me and Shady deaded the past, so that basically resurrected my cashflow我和痞子冰释前嫌,这基本上把我从潦倒破产变回财源不断I might rap tight as the snatch of a fat dyke虽然我的饶舌无懈可击,紧到可以匹敌肥胖女同的下/体 【用tight“紧”双关“歌词精妙”的意思】though I ain’t wrapped tight可我还没到万人瞩目的地位my blood type’s the ’80s!我的饶舌基因烙印了80年代风格My ’90s was like the Navy90年代的我如浪迹天涯的海员you was like the Bradys而当年的你已像《Brady一家》那样家喻户晓You still fly kites daily同时还爱用药片来麻痹自己?????????(Hook)Livin’ life in the fast lane快车道上的超速人生【用人生比喻饶舌事业】Movin’ at the speed of life and I can’t slow down我开足生命时速,无法慢下来Only got a gallon in the gas tank油箱里汽油只有一加仑But I’m almost at the finish line, so I can’t stop now可我即将到终点,所以我现在不能停下 I don’t really know where I’m headed, just enjoyin’ the ride我甚至不知道我开车要去哪儿,只是享受这飙车的快感Just gon’ roll ’til I drop and ride ’til I die我会一直继续,直到我精疲力竭,逗衫我会飙车到我死的那天I’m livin’ life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)我的人生在快车道上飞奔(一脚把油门踩到底)