gracious warmthexpand openingmultinational mergergracious invitationtake an active part industrial investment fundwarm hospitalitymultilateral trade systemventure capitalsino-euro trade associationopen to the general public and compete in ordercooperationbelgium-china economy and trade councilmarket environment franchised operationluncheonlegal adminstrationwest-east natural gas transmissionbasic state policyto run the government by high standards west-east electricity transmissionoverall national strengthmultinational trade negotiationsupporting projectall-roundinstructive adviceinfrustructureopen to the outside worldregistered capital limit operation by the marketactive fiscal policyindustrial tariffhigh-profile visitdirection of developmentrestructure of state-owned companythe process of European intergrationdecrease the cost of transactiondeepen reformasset reformation and treatment sustainable development of economy
2023-06-20 22:20 阅读(568) -
2023-06-17 11:35 阅读(572) -
2023-06-16 07:58 阅读(608)
1 商务英语教学
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2 商务英语阅读(上)
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3 商务英语翻译(2003年高等教育出版社出版的图书)
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4 商务英语专业主要学什么
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5 商务英语(商务英语课程)
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