智库英文:Think tanks智库,Think Tank,也称“思想库”,即智囊机构、智囊团,是指由专家组成的多学科的,为决念团策者在处理社会、经济、科技、军事、外交等各方面问题出谋划策,提供最佳理论、策略、方法、思想等的公共研究仔唯橘机构,严格意义上的智库是独立于政府机构的民间组织。例句:英国智库Autonomy和冰岛可持续民主协会的研究人员称,他们当中的许多人从每周工作40个小时改为每周工山山作35或36个小时。Many of them moved from a 40 hour week to a 35 or 36 hour week, researchers from UK think tank Autonomy and the Association for Sustainable Democracy ( Alda) in Iceland said.在民主党“三维智库”(Third Way)本周发表的一篇后续文章中,路德维格提出了类似结论。Ludwig reported similar findings in a follow-up essay published this week by Third Way, a Democratic think tank.
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2023-05-17 07:19 阅读(552) -
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