


《take a look around》碟中碟2  相关信息:  《take a look around》这首歌改编自《碟中谍》系列电影中Adam Clayton编写的主题曲Theme from Mission: Impossible,Limp Bizkit演奏。  具体歌词:  All the teachin' in da world today  现在这个世界上所有的教条  All the little girls fillin' up da world today  世界上全是小女孩  When the good comes to bad, the bad comes to good  当所有一切都在改变,混沌不清的时候  But I'm a live my life like i should  我想我仍然会按照我自己原有的生活过下去  Now da critics wanna hit it  现在这些批评家都抨击它  This hit? How we did it, just because they don't get it  抨击?呵~他们抨击只是因为他们什么都不了解  But I'll stay fitted, new era commited  我要保持我原有的样子,就算是新的时代也会将此记录下来  Now this red cap gets a rap from these critics  现在,他们受到批评家们深重的打击。  But do we always gotta cry  那我们只能哭泣?  Do we always gotta live inside a lie  我们要一直默默的生活在这种天大的谎言里面吗?  Life's just a blast cuz its movin' really fast  生活像一股强劲的气流,仔尺厅他变化得如此快而强烈  So ya better stay on top or life'll kick you in the ass  所以你最好乖乖站在高出安全的地方,否则生活一定会打击你让你大出洋相  Follow me into a solo  跟着我走上一条孤单的小路  Remember that, kid, so whatcha wanna do  所以,记住这个,孩子  And where ya gonna run when your stari'n down the cable of my mic  当你连上麦克风的线准备开始的时候,你会想做什么,想往什么样的方向奔跑  Pointed at yo grill like a gun Limp Bizkit is rockin' the set  把铁架当成一把枪?Limp Bizkit正在敲击着他们的音乐  It's like russian roulette when you're placin' your bet  这就像你在俄罗斯轮盘赌里面挥置色子那种令人兴奋痴迷的感觉一样  So don't be upset when you're broke and you're done  所念隐以当你跌倒失败的时候也不要沮丧  Cuz I'm a be the one till I jet  因为会一直是我  I know why you wanna hate me  我知道为什么你要恨我  I know why you wanna hate me  我知道为什么你要恨我  I know why you wanna hate me  我知道为什么你要恨我  Cuz hate is all the world has even seen lately  你恨得只是这个世界困乱变得太快连自己都没有察觉到  And now you wanna hate me  现在你要恨我了  And now you wanna hate me  现在你要恨我了  Now I Know why you wanna hate me  我现在知道为什么你要恨我  Cuz hate is all the world has even seen lately  你恨得只是这个世界变得太快连自己都没有察觉到  Now I Know why you wanna hate me  我现在知道为什么你要恨我  Cuz hate is all the world has even seen lately  你恨得只是这个世界变得太快连自己都没有察觉到  Does anybody really know the secret  是不是每个人都知道了这个秘密  Or the combination for this life and where they keep it  生活中这些个复杂的关系,到底是怎么联系到一起的?  It's kinda sad when you don't know the meaning  如果你不知道这个秘密的话一定会感到悲伤  But everything happens for a reason  每一件事发生必定都有它存在的理由  I don't even know what i should say  呵~我甚至不知道我现在我应该说什么  Cuz I'm an idiot, a loser  因为我是一个蠢蛋,一个失败者  A microphone abuser  也是一个疯狂的音乐人  I analyze every second I exist  我仔细思考着我存活着的每一秒的意义  Beatin' up my mind every second with my fist  用拳头打着自己的胸口这样我才能维持心脏的跳动  And everybody wanna run  每个人都想逃跑  Everybody wanna hide from da gun  每个人都想躲避危险的追击  You can dig a rat through this life if you want  如果你想的话你可以在生活中挖个洞,纠出一个混蛋  But you can't dig the edge off a knife (no sir)  但是你并不能减弱你内心的负罪感  And now you want your money back  现在你想要金钱  But you're denied, cuz your brain's fried from the sack  别否认,因为你的脑子除了问题  And there aint nothin' i could do  我帮不了你什么  Cuz life is a lesson, you'll learn it when you're through  因为生活就像是一节课,当生命结束的时候,你一定会学到很多  I know why you wanna hate me  我知道为什么你要恨我  I know why you wanna hate me  我知道为什么你要恨我  I know why you wanna hate me  我知道为什么你要恨我  Cuz hate is all the world has even seen lately  你恨得只是这个世界变得太快连自己都没有察觉到  And now you wanna hate me  现在你要恨我了  And now you wanna hate me  现在你要恨我了  Now I Know why you wanna hate me  我现在知道为什么你要恨我  Cuz hate is all the world has even seen lately  你恨得只是这个世界变得太快连自己都没有察觉到  Now... I... know... why (now I know why you wanna hate me)  Now I Know why you wanna hate me  我现在知道为什么你要恨我  Now I Know why you wanna hate me  我现在知道为什么你要恨我  Now I Know why you wanna hate me  我现在知道为什么你要恨我  Cuz hate is all the world has even seen lately  你恨得只是这个世界变得太快连自己都没有察觉到  Cuz hate is all the world has even seen lately  你恨得只是这个世界变得太快连自己都没有察觉到  Cuz hate is all the world has even seen lately  你恨得只是这个世界变得太快连自己都没有察觉到