restart!英 [ˌri:'stɑ:t] 美 [riˈstɑrt] v. 重新开始 重启; 重新启动; 重新开始; 重起动 过去式:restarted 过去分词:restarted 现在分词:restarting 第三人称单数:restarts 及物/不及物动词(使)重新开始;(使)重新启动 If you restart something that has been interrupted or stopped, or if it restarts, it starts to happen or function again.The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible... 委员们同意尽宽弊空快重新开始会谈。The race was restarted after a break of around 20 minutes... 在卜悉中断了大约20分钟后,比赛又重新开始了。The trial will restart today with a new jury. 今天,会有新的陪审团重新开始审判。Restart is also a noun. After a goalless first half, Australia took the lead within a minute of the restart. 上半场双方都没有得分,但重新开赛后不到1分钟澳大利亚队就领先了。 restart a game 重新开始游戏 2. The captain worked out the departure before commanding to restart the engine. 船长算好横距后才下令重新发动引擎。 3. Restart the computer in Safe mode or VGA mode. 重新启动计算机在安全模式或VGA模式。 4. After the restart the program continues to run automatically. 重启后,程序仍然慎瞎自动运行。 5. Defining a field to restart a number range variable. 定义字段重新启动编号顺序。 6. Force offscreen compositing even under Terminal Server (requires restart) 强制屏幕外合成,即便是在终端服务器下(需要重启动) 7. If both players to a match restart, the match will be restarted. 如果双方都同意比赛重新开始的,那么游戏就会重新开始。 8. To enable native BIOS support you must restart the computer. 必须重启计算机后本地BIOS才能打开支持。 9. Please restart the game after you exit the unnecessary program. 中文:在退出无关的程序之后重新运行该游戏。 10. Click Apply, click Close and restart the computer when prompted. 单击应用,然后单击关闭并在出现提示后重启电脑。 11. Automatic save and restore system. Restart from last level you played! 自动保存恢复系统,可以从你上次玩到的关卡继续开始玩! 12. Plug in the AC adapter and restart your notebook. 插入交流电适配器并重新启动笔记本电脑。 13. All changes made will remain following a restart of the computer. 所有的变化仍将继重启你的计算机。 14. You should be all set. Just restart your computer. 应该都好了。只要重新开机就行了。 15. A kernel panic. The grey curtain slowly falls. Now you must restart. 引发恐慌的核心,灰幕缓缓落下,现在你必须重新启动。 16. Restart play a goal-kick, and, next time, reconsider your positioning at throw-ins. 以开球门球重新开始比赛,同时,下次在手抛球的时候注意自己的站位。 17. Your system must be restarted to adjust system settings. Restart now? 必须重新启动系统调整系统设置,是否立即重新启动? 18. To re-enable function evaluation, step again or restart debugging. 若要重新启用函式评估,请再次逐步执行或重新启动侦错。 19. No agreements were reached to restart the Doha Round. 对重开多哈会合没有达成协议。 20. After installing close all nero apps and don't restart. 安装完成后关闭所有的应用服务和尼禄不要重新启动。
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