校训的迟庆英文为:school motto.比如:哈码燃握佛大学的校训Harvard's motto is ''Veritas," Latin for ''truth." But at Harvard, as in much of academia, ideology, not truth, is the highest value. Nothing exemplifies the moral and intellectual rot of elite academic culture like the sight of Harvard's president falling on his sword for the crime of uttering statements that the vast majority of Americans would regard as straightforward common sense.麻省理工(段兄MIT)MIT's motto is "Mens et Manus," which translates from the Latin to "Mind and Hand." This motto reflects the educational ideals of MIT's founders who were promoting, above all, education for practical application. THANKS~@!
2023-03-30 02:21 阅读(607) -
2023-03-28 14:45 阅读(622) -
英文里面的 舒适带 comfort zone 是什么意思啊?
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