


运营商词性及解释n.carrier/operator 例句Although the devices can be used within enterprises or on carrier networks, the initial emphasis has been on the carrier segment.虽然这种设备可裤手以用于企业中或者电信运营商的网络上,但最初的重点是用在运营商的网络上。Application Service Providers (ASP) and Network Market Makers are common examples of this situation.应用服务提供商和网络交易市场运营商是这种情况的典型代表。Since the valid range of other vendor誷 cell sites is 0-65535, but AUTOPLEX system cell sites must be numbered 1-222, this alias allows the AUTOPLEX system to refer to cells of other vendors.因为其他运营商小区基站的有效范围为0-65535,而autoplex系统小区基站必须使用1-222的数字,这个别名允许autoplex系统引用其他运营商的小区。Cable operators also install fiber optic cables from the head end to a fiber distribution node.有线电视运营商也须把光缆扰磨从头端(主设备)接到光胡李嫌缆分配节点。Cable modems are used to connect high-speed data pipes terminated in the cable operator's head end to the HFC infrastructure.cablemodem用来把端接在有线电视运营商主设备上的高速数据通道接到hfc基础设施上。