
Born To Try的歌词谁能帮我翻译下?谢谢啦!

Born To Try的歌词谁能帮我翻译下?谢谢啦!

Doing everything that I believe in 做所有我相信的事Going by the rules that I've been taught 按照我被教导的规则More understanding of what's around me 更加了解我身边的事物And protected from the walls of love 在爱的围栏中受到保护All that you see is me 你所见到的所有都是我And all I truly believe 我所真正相信的That I was born to try 我生来为了尝试I've learned to love 我已经学习去爱Be understanding 去了解And believe in life 相信生活But you've got to make choices 但你不得不做出决定Be wrong or right 对或错Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like 有时你不得不者丛牺牲自己喜欢的事But I was born to try 但我生来为了尝试No point in talking what you should have been 说你原本应该成为什么,那没有意义And regretting the things that went on 为已逝去的过去后悔Life's full of mistakes, destinies and fate 生命充满了错误和命中注定Remove the clouds look at the bigger picture 移开乌云,看向更大的画面And all that you see is me你看到的所有都是我 And all I truly believe 我所真正相信的That I was born to try 我生来为了尝试I've learned to love 我已经学习去爱Be understanding 去了解And believe in life 相信生活But you've got to make choices 但你不得不做出决定Be wrong or right 对或错Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like 有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的事But I was born to try 但我生来为了尝试首宏樱 All that you see is me 你看到的所有都是我All I truly believe 我所真正相信的All that you see is me 你看到的所有都是我And all I truly believe 我所真正相信的That I was born to try 我生来为了尝试I've learned to love 我已经学习去爱Be understanding 去绝大了解And believe in life 相信生活But you've got to make choices 但你不得不做出决定Be wrong or right 对或错Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like 有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的事But I was born to try 但我生来为了尝试But you've got to make choices 但你不得不做出决定Be wrong or right 对或错Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like 有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的事But I was born to try但我生来为了尝试