
time to say goodbye什么意思

time to say goodbye什么意思

time to say goodbye:告别时刻首指  双语例句:  1.it's time to say goodbye. with you I shall experience them.  告别的时刻来临,我将随你同行。  2.Linda tries to tell her mother that it is time to say goodbye.  琳达试着告诉她的妈妈,该是挂电话,说再见的时候了。  3.So we say time to say "Goodbye" 晌冲 于是我们选择说“分手”  4.They just decided that it was time to say goodbye.  他们只是觉得是时候说再见了。  5.We had no time to say goodbye  我们没有时宴芹歼间说再见