
marketing specialist是什么意思

marketing specialist是什么意思

marketing specialist是什么意思中文翻译手机版市场人员 市场专员 营销员 marketing: n. 1.商品销售业务。 2.商品自生产者转移到消费者手 ... 例句与用法1. Sub - cluster manager market specialists开拓销路负责人2. The market expansion support project to hire overseas market specialists派遣海外市场开拓专家的市场开拓事业3. Agricultural historians have studied intensely one relatively small part of it , economic and business historians another , marketing specialists yet another农业史学家只是集中地研究了这个陵袜整体中的相对小的一个部分,经济史和商业史学家研究了另一小部分,销售乱粗专家则是另一小部分。 4. Through today s recruitment exercise , we hope to be able to find experienced professionals who are highly self - motivated and at the same time ready to make changes to be a member of our front - line sales and marketing specialist team集团希望透过这次的大型招聘活动,招揽有经验,并且有意积极自我增值尺陪激及转型的金融业前线销售专才。 5. The higashi - osaka municipal small and medium sized enterprises promotion association hspa is at the center of operations with creation core higashi osaka as its base . the sub - cluster managers market specialists and cluster manager are the key players of the program in assisting innovative companies with product and market development . the program is organized under a partnership with the neo cluster project , the driving force behind the kansai front runner project the ministry of economy , trade and industrys industrial cluster project , and in cooperation with governmental institutions such as the kansai bureau of economy , trade , and industry and the osaka prefectural government , the business academia collaboration coordinators of the 13 universities that occupy the creation core higashi osaka facilities , jetro , government financial institutions , commercial banks , public testing laboratories , higashi - osaka chamber of commerce and industry , and the product and market development research society organized by various businesses以creation core东大阪为活动据点,东大阪市中小企业振兴会成办事务局,重新配置专家,以开拓销路负责人和制造业推进事业经理人为核心,以经营战略积极的拥有独自技术和拥有市场占有率特性产品的企业为中心,与经济产业省的产业集群计划关西领先窗口企划的推动组织企业推进共同体合作,组建了由近畿经济产业局,大阪府等行政关系机关, creation core东大阪内的13所大学的产学合作中介人, jetro ,政府系金融机关,民间金融机关,公营考试机关,东大阪工商会议所,商社等支援,合作机关组成的新产品开发,新市场开拓研究会。 6. We have not only a specialized and young administration team but also informational and worldwide marketing network . our corporation appoints the experienced in administration zhu xiang cheng as general manager and italian famous marketing specialist mr . paolo grossi act as the vice manager . the corporation has self - support authority in import and export , whose customers are all over the europe , america , africa and asian and pacific regions and the products enjoy a good international reputation我们拥有专业化,年轻化的管理团队,信息化全球化的市场网络,公司由富有管理经验的朱湘成先生出任总经理,意大利著名营销专家保罗格罗斯出任副总经理,公司有自营进出口权,客户遍及欧洲,美洲,非洲以及亚太地区,产品享有良好国际声誉