1.quiet; tranquil; still; smooth; peaceful 2.peace; balance; calmness; tranquility; composure 心情平静peace of mind.平静的湖面the calm surface of the lake.平静的大海pacific waters内心的平静散局衡internal peace平静的心情an easy mind平静的生腊渗活a quiet life平静冲做的河流a pacific river平静的说话声a calm voice不平静的夜晚a restless night在家的平静夜晚a quiet evening at home.
2023-05-16 20:33 阅读(555) -
翻译only my railgun歌词
2023-05-16 02:41 阅读(550) -
2023-05-12 07:28 阅读(595)
1 翻译论坛(2015.3)
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2 英文翻译
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3 翻译全部歌词 I will be missing you
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4 翻译一下
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5 英文翻译成中文
552 阅读