
碧昂斯beyonce2010年演唱会crazy in love歌词 就要开头那几句:baby.......see you

碧昂斯beyonce2010年演唱会crazy in love歌词 就要开头那几句:baby.......see you

Crazy in Love为爱疯狂I tell myself that I was doin' all right我告诉我自己缺弯野做什么是对的There's nothing left to do tonight今晚没有什么剩下去做的But go crazy on you只有为你疯狂Crazy on you为你疯狂Let me go crazy, crazy on you, ohhh让我为你伏喊疯狂,为你疯狂Can't you see what you do to me baby,你看你对我做了什么You make me crazy, you make me act like a ma niac你让我疯狂,你让我变得和疯子闹罩一样I'm like a lunatic, you make me sick我像一个疯子,你让我如此渴望You're truly the only one who can do this to me你确实是唯一可以让我变成这样的人You just make me get so crazy你让我变得如此疯狂I go schizo, I get so insane I just go schizophren ic我变得精神失常,我变得如此失常,我只是精神失常了One minute I wanna slit your throat the next I wanna s e x有一瞬间我想切断你的喉咙然后我想和你M LYou make me crazy你让我疯了The way we act like two maniacs in the sack我们这样就像在床上的两个疯子We fvck like two jack rabbits and maybe that's a bad habit我们像两个公兔子一样做着,也许这是一个坏习惯Cause the next day we right back at it接着下面一天我们又回到从前In the same exact pattern用同样正确的方式What the fvck is the matter with us我们之间有什么问题We can't figure out if it's lust我们无法弄清这是否是欲 望Or if it's love which that is attracting us to each other或者这是我们之间互相吸引对方的爱They say that every man grows up to marry his own mother有人说每个人长大都要嫁给他们的妈妈Which would explain why you're such a motherfvcking b 1tch这就解释了为什么你是个(河蟹)的b 1tchBut I stay and still stick it out with you但是我依然坚持和你一起Even though I just hit you today but you deserved it即使我今天打了你但你也值得我这么做You hit me first and provoked me to choke you你首先伤害了我只是想让你窒息Just cause I came home late last night只因为我昨天回家晚了Crawled in bed and I woke you我把你从床上抓起来然后叫醒了你But if there's one thing about you that I admire但是你有一件事让我很崇拜你It's baby, because you stay with me那是宝贝,因为你陪着我Maybe cause you're as crazy as I am也许你像我一样疯狂Cause when I look at you因为每当我看着你I can see an angel in your eyes but if I look deeper inside我看见一个天使在你的眼睛里,但我看到了更深处I see a freakish little side, like a devil in disguis e我看到一小点奇异的东西,就像伪装的魔鬼You're always full of surprises你总是充满惊奇Always pullin devices out your purse little vibratoxx and dildoxxx你总是把一些Z W器放在你的钱包里You've fvcked yourself so much you barely feel those anymore你总是经常弄自己让你仅仅更多的享受这种快感You're only 24 but you're plenty more mature你虽然只有24岁但你在这方面却非常成熟Then those other little ho's who just act like little girls然而这些的行为就像是小女孩Like they're in middle school still you're crazy, s e x y, cool就像那些在中学里的人让你变得疯狂,撩人,冷酷Chilling you play your position you never step out of line你因为恐惧所以从未出轨Even though I stay in your business尽管我觉得这是你的本能You've always kept out of mine你也总是不让我进入I wonder what's on your mind我怀疑你的想法Sometimes they say love is blind有时他们说爱是盲目的Maybe that's why the first time I dotted your eye也许这就是为什么第一次的时候你的眼里只有我You ain't see the sign你没有看到这句话Or maybe you did maybe you like me in charge或许你这样做是因为你喜欢控制我Maybe cause we're crazy in love....也许我们都为爱而疯狂I go crazy on you我为你疯狂Crazy on you为你疯狂Let me go crazy, crazy on you, ohhh让我如此疯狂,为你疯狂,ohhhYou are the ink to my paper你对我就像墨水对白纸What my pen is to my pad就像钢笔对印台The moral, the very fiber道德,和拘束The whole substance to my rap是我说唱的全部意义You are my reason for being你是让我成为人的原因The meaning of my existence是我存在的意义If it wasn't for you I would never be able to spit this如果不是你,我绝不会说出这些东西As intense as I do, and the iron y我所做的这些是多么强烈的讽刺Is you rely on me as much这就是你对我是多么依赖As I rely on you to inspire me like you do像我依赖你一样鼓励着我像你一样做You provide me the lighter f l u i d to f u e l in my fire你提供给我燃 起 欲 火的能量You're my entire supply of gas, the match and igniter你是我的全部空气,我的点火器The only way that I'm able to stay so stable这是唯一让我稳定的方式Is you're the legs to my table,你像是一条支撑着我的桌子的腿If you were to break I'd fall on my face如果你坏了我就会掉在地面上But I'm always gonna make you feel但是我总是让你有感觉I don't need you as much as I really need you我不像真正需要你那样需要你So you don't use it to your advantage所以你不用利用你的优势But you're essential to me但你对我是必要的You're the air I breathe你是我呼吸的空气I believe if you ever leave me我相信你不会离开我I'd probaly have no reason to be我也去没有任何理由这样做You are the Kim to my Marshall你对我就是Kim对MarshallYou're the Slim to my Shady你是Slim对我的ShadyThe Dre to my EminemDr.Dre对EminemThe Alaina to my HailieAlaina对我的HailieYou are the word that I'm lookin for你是我期待的这个世界When I'm tryin to describe how I feel inside当我想表达我内心在想什么And the right one just won't come to my mind但正确的想法总是不会出现在我的想法里You're like the pillow that props me up你像支撑着我的支柱The beam that supports me