This exactly forecasts nothing other than business opportunities。句子意思:这确切地预测仅仅是商业机会.nothing other than=无异;不过是;仅仅nothing other than无异;不过是;仅仅1We were given nothing other than dry bread and water for our evening meal.我们晚餐只分到干面包和水.2 So that, if I may remind you, the determination of meaning in this case is nothing other than a rational definition.所以,容我提衫氏醒你们,在这碧罩种情况下,意义的决心道道地地就是一个理性的定义。3It says nothing other than an indication of starting power unless one is up to doing some serious math.它说没有什么以外的其他标志开始的权力,除非是做一些严重的数学。4 They all speak to the realization of the Atman as being nothing other than the infinite Brahman.它们都说是实现阿特曼,因为除了或慧散无限的婆罗门以外,并无其他。5If it is not implemented, the base class implementation is called, but it does nothing other than to return immediately.如果不实现该方法,则将调用基类实现,但所做的只是立即返回。6No profile links, nothing other than blog comments is accepted.没有配置文件的链接,没有什么比博客评论其他被接受。Contains nothing other than listed ingredients.不包含上述成分以外的其他成分。8The mass is swayed by participation mystique, which is nothing other than an unconscious identity.群众被参与的神秘所影响,那道地是无意识的认同。9In principle the function does nothing other than building a binary-encoded path.原则上,该函数只是建立一个二进制编码的路径。The application does nothing other than cache the data and transfer it back to the socket buffer.应用程序只是起到缓存数据并将其传回到套接字的作用而以,别无他用。He claims he is being convicted because of guilt by association, and that he is nothing other than an Arab nationalist loyalist.他坚持说自己是因为牵连犯罪而被判有罪的,他只不过是一名阿拉伯民族主义忠诚分子。Or can we not for once escape logic and read it as nothing other than a sign of romantic destiny?就这一次,让我们试着脱离现实和理性的思考去试着解读那些关乎浪漫的事?Even if you do nothing other than bookmark these articles, you will be that much more prepared if and when something happens.即使您只是将这些文章加入书签,万一遇到某个困难,您也会有备无患。In principle the function does nothing other than building a binary-encoded path.原则上,该函数只是建立一个二进制编码的路径。Hopefully then, foreigners can come and be measured by nothing other than their unique character and individual actions.希望到时候外国人不再会因他们独特的个性和个人化行为而受到异样眼光。Starting with the fact that this recommendation is based on nothing other than opinion, let's consider what's potentially good, potentially bad and potentially ugly about it.鉴于这些建议完全是基于个人意见这一事实,咱们且来看看它们有哪些潜在的优点、哪些潜在的缺点,还有哪些潜在的愚蠢之处。You suddenly find yourself writing B2B applications using nothing other than XML-RPC, a library you can get for free for almost any programming language!您突然发现自己在仅仅使用 XML-RPC 来编写 B2B 应用程序,XML-RPC 是可以自由获取用于几乎任何编程语言的库!It was entire dark in the street and nothing other than a grey road could be seen.街上黑沉沉的一无所有,只有一条灰白的路,看得分明。The ward had nothing other than a small window that connected to the outside world.房间空空落落,只有一扇小窗连接外面的世界。It is nothing other than the path taken by the soul of the dancer.它不过是舞者的灵魂所择取的道路。I know this is hard with Twitter, Facebook and e-mail beeping for our attention, but I’ve found that I can significantly increase the speed of my writing by simply doing nothing other than writing.我知道这有些小难,因为有Twitter、facebook和email滴滴响着提醒有消息需要注意,但是我发现通过简单的双耳不闻窗外事一心埋头写作,大大的增加了我写作的速度。It tends to nothing other than to establish a locus of reservation in order that this interpretation may be inscribed there as a locus reserved for the truth.它的企图道道地地就是要建立一个「保留区的轨迹」,为了让这个解释能够被铭记在那里,作为一个保留给真理的轨迹。The secret of happiness is not having more, but wanting less, nothing other than your feeling is true in this world.快乐的秘密并不是拥有更多,而是渴求更少,在这个世界上,除了自己的感觉外,没有什么是真的。So that, if I may remind you, the determination of meaning in this case is nothing other than a rational definition.所以,容我提醒你们,在这种情况下,意义的决心道道地地就是一个理性的定义。She's alluding here, I think, to one of the most famous passages in Paradise Lost in which Milton is asserting nothing other than his poetic power.我认为,她在这里暗指了在《失乐园》最著名的那些章节中, 是米尔顿无上的诗歌力量掩盖了其他一切瑕瑜。Substances are nothing other than formed matters.物质仅仅就是组成的物料。What is at stake is nothing other than the economy of the unconscious, or indeed what is commonly called primary process.岌岌可危的,道道地地就是这无意识的经济功用,的确就是普遍所谓的「原初的过程。」If you accomplish nothing other than your number one priority, you'll be ahead.除了最优先等级的事情之外你没有完成任何事情,你就是领先的。It was only a partial climb down, however, as the film board insisted that the scenes in question were "nothing other than straightforward urination masquerading as ejaculation".但这仅仅只是部分的妥协,因为电影委员会坚持认为被删的镜头“根本就是在小便,但却装得跟‘射精’似的”。The mass is swayed by participation mystique, which is nothing other than an unconscious identity.群众被参与的神秘所影响,那道地是无意识的认同。These edifices consist of nothing other than sankharas as conditioned things, the conditioned formations comprised in the five aggregates.这些居所由那些有为的诸行形成,也就是,由有为的造作所构成的五蕴。But a relationship of continuity if we speak of something which is nothing other than a relationship of similarity.但是这是一种连续性,假如我们谈论到某件道道地地就是类似的关系。To define the Other as the locus of the word, is to say that its nothing other than the locus where an assertion is posited as veracious.将大它者定义为文字的轨迹,等于是说,它仅仅就是一个主张被提出,当着是诚实的轨迹。That there is no other way of making the relation of the I, qua being-to-the-world function except by passing through this grammatical structure, which is nothing other than the essence of the Id.没有其它方法来制造这个「我」,作为「实存于世界」的关系,除了通过这个文法的结构。这个结构道道地地就是本我的本质。
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You(1989年格莱恩·梅德罗斯发行专辑)
2023-04-18 06:34 阅读(689) -
other,others,the other,another的区别?
2023-04-21 12:04 阅读(541) -
Nothing impossible 还是 Impossible nothing?
2023-04-20 02:38 阅读(615)
1 others是什么意思
590 阅读
2 Thanks a lot是什么意思
581 阅读
3 thanks to和thanks for 有什么区别
710 阅读
4 others是什么意思
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5 thanks smokey什么意思
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