一楼的得了吧那是主题曲~ lz要的是插曲!!!ok?! 这句应该是‘老祖先 保佑我 千万不要让我失礼仪 为我家族争取好光彩 家父会以我为荣 ’ 这个是木兰相亲时候唱的歌叫做《以你为荣》~ 好怀念的东西哦^_^~~那时候看那个媒婆看的笑死我了-= 作词: 王景平 作团羡曲: Matthew Wilder 演唱: 崔帼夫,李文,马淑芬 这是我要装扮的姑娘猜或戚 哦!你在开玩笑 要将这平凡女孩 变成个淑女 先把你洗干净 容光焕发才能人人爱 经我细心装扮的新娘 我们穗陵会以你为荣 先别急 完成后 所有男生会被你迷惑 加上美貌和你的财富 我们会以你为荣 想要让自己能为家族带来那荣耀 就应该要端庄 才更会有光彩 要稳重 有教养 听话和孝顺还要勤快 有高品味和纤纤细腰 我们会以你为荣 人们要为皇上尽忠因他至高无上 男人要出征沙场 孩子女人抚养 要把你 装扮好 像那美丽莲花柔又白 没有男人能够拒绝你 我们会以你为荣 玉珠代表美丽 衬托你的姣丽 让蟋蟀为你带来好运 相信你一定会赢 老祖先 保佑我 千万不要让我失礼仪 为我家族争取好光彩 家父会以我为荣 每个人心里七上八下 为了木兰终身大事 老祖先 保佑她 能够找到一个好婆家 他的心地善良又大方 是个可爱的女孩 请将荣耀归于 请将荣耀归于 请将荣耀归于 请将荣耀归于 请将荣耀归于她 抱歉歌曲的话我只有英文的^_^ 因为太老了,98年的动漫-=(这不是理由!抽!) http://e2.nuaa.edu.cn/englishonline/songs/oscarmusic/oscar1/11.mp3 点击右键就可以下载哦! 英文叫做《Honor to us all》 作词: David Zippel作曲: Matthew Wilder演唱: Beth Fowler, Marnie Nixon, Lea Salonga, and Chorus相关CD: Mulan OST | 花木兰 电影原声带歌词大意honor to us all this is what you give me to work with? well, honey, i've seen worse we're going to turn this sow's ear into a silk purse we'll have you washed and dried primped and polished till you glow with pride trust me recipe for instant bride you'll bring honor to us all wait and see when we're through boys will gladly go to war for you with good fortune and a great hairdo you'll bring honor to us all a girl can bring her family great honor in one way by striking a good match and this could be the day men want girls with good taste calm obediant who work fast-paced with good breeding and a tiny waist you'll bring honor to us all we all must serve our emperor who guards us from the huns a man by bearing arms a girl by bearing sons when we're through you can't fail like a lotus blossom soft and pale how could any fellow say "no sale" you'll bring honor to us all there - you're ready not yet an apple for serenity a pendant for balance beads of jade for beauty you must proudly show it now add a cricket just for luck and even you can't blow it ancestors hear my plea help me not to make a fool of me and to not uproot my family tree keep my father standing tall scarier than the undertaker we are meeting our matchmaker destiny guard our girls and our future as it fast unfurls please look kindly on these cultured pearls each a perfect porcelain doll please bring honor to us please bring honor to us please bring honor to us please bring honor to us please bring honor to us all 不知道有没有帮到亲~ 记得当年曾经翻译为‘带给我们荣耀’ 亲按照这个方向找找吧~
2023-07-25 12:11 阅读(624) -
2023-07-17 01:33 阅读(585) -
2023-06-14 21:45 阅读(628)
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