specially词典结果:specially[英][ˈspeʃəli][美][ˈspeʃəli]adv.特别地; 专门地; 特意地; 格外地; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This very place the driver had specially shunned. 因此驾车人总是特键笑别小心地避开这个地方。2.I talked to a wounded qaddafi fighter in a specially guarded back room. 我在一间特别看押的房间里和一位受伤的卡扎菲士兵交谈过。3.Felix has been specially trained to provide emotional therapy for older people. felix经过特殊训练,可以为老年人提供情感治疗。4.When the first exhibit opened, mr. greenberg sent a specially recorded video message. 首次展览开幕时,格林博格先生发来一段特意录制的视频。5.As the reviewer from car& driver pointed out, the new s-class has features you never knew you needed, like two gear ratios for reverse, a hot stone massage setting for the rear seats, and high-strength air conditioning specially for north american customers. 就像《人车志》(Car&Driver)杂志的评测人员指出的那样,新S550拥有一些连你自己都不知道你自己需要的功能,比稿丛含如两个倒档,一个后排的热石按摩装置,一个专门为北美客户准备的高强郑坦度空调。
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