There is always someone to learn from.
2. If three of us are walking together, at least one of the two others is good enough to be my teacher.
3.Among any three people walking, I will find something to learn for sure.
v. 学习,学会;得知,获悉;背熟,熟记;认识到,(从……)吸取教训;<旧袜手>教导(某人)
vi. 学习;获悉
learn by heart 记住 ; 背诵 ; 背熟 ; 牢记
live and learn 告大嫌活到老 ; 活到老学到老仿瞎 ; 学到老 ; 生存与学习
learn from 学习 ; 向 ; 听说
understand, recognize, perceive, learn, comprehension
understand 理解
recognize 认出,认得
perceive 察觉,理解
learn 学会
comprehension 理解